Luke & Charlotte… the Wedding.
The great thing about weddings is that no two are alike.
I mean, the structure is always pretty standard, but it’s the gold, unexpected moments that keep you coming back for more. The moments that grab you when they happen – and you know they’ll stick with you forever. There’s always at least one.
As the photographer, I reckon I’m in a position to notice them a bit more – I’m always on the hunt for it. And when they come, oh lordy… I do quite love that.
Luke & Charlotte’s wedding had quite a few. If you know Luke like I do (he’s my personal trainer & boot camp/gym instructor), he’s the classic unassuming, quiet type – except for when he’s yelling at us to pedal harder during his Spin class… *sigh*
But on a personal level, he keeps his cards pretty close to his chest – never really gives too much away. At the reception however, during the speeches – we all caught a glimpse of the man behind the man. We saw a guy who isn’t afraid to tell it how it is, or how he really feels. When he looked over to everyone’s mate, Barry Robertson while shedding a tear and declaring him as the closest thing to a father he’s had, there almost wasn’t a dry eye in the house. Congratulations Luke & Charlotte. What a weekend.
[audio:|titles=First Day of My Life – Bright Eyes]