Mason & Elyse Gunners Barracks
Mason & Elyse ‘s big day was back in June at the Gunners Barracks in Mosman. Or rather, their second big day was…
They’d actually tied the knot back in Utah with their American friends – this was a celebration with the rest of their beautiful family in Sydney. Usually before a wedding I like to get to know the couple beforehand, I don’t love the idea of just rocking up on the day and clicking away. Unfortunately, Mase & Elyse only arrived in Australia literally a couple of days leading up to the wedding, so there wasn’t much choice.
But we connected at their house the day before, shared a few laughs, a Creaming Soda (!) and I knew this wedding was gonna be great.
There were some beautiful moments too – like the way Elyse was ushered down the aisle with all four of the father figures in her life. Nice touch. <3