Category: Family

Boxing day at the beach.
It's Boxing Day, 3298 degrees and we're in Mooloolaba. Where else do you go?!  
Joe & Anastasia…
So the other day, I had the pleasure of another afternoon of fashion shooting with Crashing Red down at Balmoral Beach in Sydney. It's becoming customary for a quick game of tip at the end with Joseph & Anastasia.  This I love.
Christening Matilda Bluebelle Munt…
The other day, one of my beautiful friends held a Christening for her daughter Matilda.  She's a total peach, and of course I was smitten within the first 30 seconds of meeting her at her at the hospital... Seeing her already grown up to this age though, it's easy to see some of her Mum's personality starting to shine through in Matildas'. They make a fantastic little family, and it was awesome part of their special day, both as friend and photographer.